Sobre a PC Lonas

Na PC Lonas, oferecemos serviços especializados em instalação, manutenção e reparação de acessórios para veículos automotores, garantindo qualidade e satisfação aos nossos clientes.

A sign reads 'Registered Motor Vehicle Repair Shop, State of New York' and is mounted against a red brick wall. The scene is illuminated by ambient lighting, casting shadows on the text and the wall.
A sign reads 'Registered Motor Vehicle Repair Shop, State of New York' and is mounted against a red brick wall. The scene is illuminated by ambient lighting, casting shadows on the text and the wall.



Clientes satisfeitos

Serviço confiável


Oferecemos serviços de instalação, manutenção e reparação para veículos automotores em toda a região. Venha nos visitar!


Rua das Flores, 123


Seg a Sex

A mechanic stands in a garage near a lifted car tire, surrounded by various automotive tools and equipment. He has a beard, tattoos on his forearm, and is wearing a dark t-shirt with a logo. The background includes shelves with items and parts, and a blue and white wall sign.
A mechanic stands in a garage near a lifted car tire, surrounded by various automotive tools and equipment. He has a beard, tattoos on his forearm, and is wearing a dark t-shirt with a logo. The background includes shelves with items and parts, and a blue and white wall sign.


Explore nossos serviços de instalação e manutenção de acessórios automotivos.

A mechanic is working underneath a vehicle that's elevated on a hydraulic lift. The scene captures various auto parts and tools scattered around the workshop. The environment appears to be a busy auto repair shop.
A mechanic is working underneath a vehicle that's elevated on a hydraulic lift. The scene captures various auto parts and tools scattered around the workshop. The environment appears to be a busy auto repair shop.
A large indoor vehicle maintenance facility with high ceilings and rows of overhead lights. Several trucks are parked in the space, with one having its hood open. Yellow support beams and signs hang from the ceiling. A person stands to the side, presumably working or supervising.
A large indoor vehicle maintenance facility with high ceilings and rows of overhead lights. Several trucks are parked in the space, with one having its hood open. Yellow support beams and signs hang from the ceiling. A person stands to the side, presumably working or supervising.
A red vintage car is affixed to a wooden wall, seemingly defying gravity. The wall bears the words 'Dependable' and 'Auto Repair' in large white letters. The car is an old model and has the phrase 'Mechanic on Duty' written on its side.
A red vintage car is affixed to a wooden wall, seemingly defying gravity. The wall bears the words 'Dependable' and 'Auto Repair' in large white letters. The car is an old model and has the phrase 'Mechanic on Duty' written on its side.